Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Practicing what we preach

Wednesday is my day off, well sort of. Reilly has a break from kindy as we have found that 5 days in a row just tires him out too much. So he comes to the shop with me, and does a craft class with Bec, while I answer the very long list of email queries that arrives overnight. Then we have a special lunch together and pick up Connor. Today he was hooning around the shop on a Gyro car, so I decided to treat him and bring one home. Colour selection is interesting, as he is very in touch with his feminine side and lurvs pink. When I told him it was called Princess Pink he was less enamoured with it, but took it home all the same. So here are some pics of quintessential Australian kids at play - the ocean in the background (in this case it's actually the Coral Sea), a blue heeler and a couple of scraggly haired kids having some fun.

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